Blonde Redhead "23" CD Album Art
This CD packaging design was created for the album "23" by Indie band Blonde Redhead. This project consisted of all parts of the CD, including the liner notes (with lyrics), back cover, and the disc design itself. This was created as part of a Computer Design course, where the only guidelines were to include lyrics in the art.
Blonde Redhead 23 CD Cover
This revised cover of the Blonde Redhead album "23" features lead singer and guitarist Kazu Makino. The colors chosen for fonts (or in this case, letter outlines as well) were shades of yellow and red, to represent the duality and contradiction of the band's name.
Blonde Redhead 23 CD Cover (execution)
This revised cover of the Blonde Redhead album "23" features lead singer and guitarist Kazu Makino. The colors chosen for fonts (or in this case, letter outlines as well) were shades of yellow and red, to represent the duality and contradition of the band's name.
Blonde Redhead 23 CD Liner Notes (concept)
This project entailed creating liner notes include song lyrics. The silhouette design originated from this picture by flickr user zioWoody. The colors were slightly tweaked, extended and two more frames were created.
Blonde Redhead 23 CD Liner Notes (execution)
The execution of the CD liner notes.
Blonde Redhead 23 Bio & CD Credits (execution)
The execution of the Bio/CD Credits.
Blonde Redhead 23 CD Disc Design
The disc itself was redesigned as well. It included the same fonts and colors as the rest of the album art for consistency and included all of the track numbers and names around the border.
Blonde Redhead 23 Back CD Cover
The back of the CD included a photo of the band members as well as track listings. The spine of the CD (with the album and band names) was also part of the back cover piece.