the frequency a kenny chung blog

February 5th, 2012
according to
Great game. Congrats to the New York Giants. But to the majority of the creative ad agencies tonight, shame on you. #SBAds #brandbowl
10:04 PM Feb 5th
B.D. Wong is back! This NBC show “Awake” actually looks promising. But then again, it’s NBC. #SBAds
9:41 PM Feb 5th
That Samsung commercial started out boring and old, but once The Darkness kicked in, it was awesome. #SBAds
9:26 PM Feb 5th
Adriana Lima redux with the Kia commercial. That was kinda hilarious. #SBAds
9:20 PM Feb 5th
Two good commercials. Hyundai and Budweiser. If only the first three quarters had commercials like these. #SBAds
9:14 PM Feb 5th
Nostalgia attack with that Metlife commercial. Not much substance though. #SBAds
9:07 PM Feb 5th
That commercial about NFL safety wasn’t the sexiest topic, but it was done well. That Time Warner spot was a waste of Ricky Gervais. #SBAds
9:02 PM Feb 5th
Jerry Seinfeld is not relevant anymore. #SBAds
8:45 PM Feb 5th
That Toyota commercial wasn’t bad. Not all the jokes hit, but it was a valiant effort. #SBAds
8:43 PM Feb 5th
Surprised that people actually like the Clint Eastwood Chrysler commercial. I thought it was so blatant & trying way too hard to be AMURRCA! #SBAds
8:42 PM Feb 5th
As far as the objectification of women goes, that Fiat commercial was a lot better than the Teleflora one. #SBAds
8:40 PM Feb 5th
Drew Brees Chase commercial was good, but not Super Bowl worthy. Ford + Derek Jeter just needs to stop trying. #SBAds
8:31 PM Feb 5th
Chrysler trying to recreate last year’s patriotic sentiment with this Clint Eastwood spot. Lightning didn’t strike twice. Eminem was better.
8:21 PM Feb 5th
For the second year in a row, Ford’s marketing strategy for the Super Bowl is “Derek Jeter”. Seriously, stop wasting money.
7:54 PM Feb 5th
Doritos is the big winner so far in the 2nd quarter. The only 2 good commercials… Wait, did E-trade just make a baby pedophile joke?
7:44 PM Feb 5th
It’s funny watching Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow armed with only a pistol. Batman in the Justice League, she is not.
7:39 PM Feb 5th
7:35 PM Feb 5th
BTW, if you haven’t seen the OK GO music video featuring the Chevy Sonic, here’s the @reddit thread about it-…
7:34 PM Feb 5th
Dear H&M, you do realize this is a FOOTBALL game, right?
7:20 PM Feb 5th
Seriously? Chevy is running an ad that they didn’t even create specifically for the Super Bowl? Google can get away with it; Chevy cannot.
7:08 PM Feb 5th
First quarter of #SBAds has been disappointing. If I had to choose (with a gun to my head), the Chevy 2012 ad is so far the best one.
7:06 PM Feb 5th
Best Buy sucks, but that Zynga Words with Friends gag was hilarious.
6:54 PM Feb 5th
Bud Light Platinum is the first commercial of #SBXLVI. Calling it now – most unintentionally hilarious commercial of the night.
6:40 PM Feb 5th
Is Kelly Clarkson being accompanied by the Best Buy backup choir?
6:18 PM Feb 5th
Adrian Brody has a hell of a goatee.
6:13 PM Feb 6th
January 19th, 2012
according to

Note: This article is not about verifying identities in social media; that’s way too boring. This post is about the sense of validation that motivates people to use social media more and more.

The need to be validated is what drives modern society. It falls within the top two sections of Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs (New Year’s Resolution: Stop relating every marketing concept to Maslow?). And this need translates over very nicely to social media and its users. The first word is the key one: social. Social networks are about interacting, but networking is also about creating new connections that did not previously exist. And therein lies the promise of social media for the everyday users- the ability to receive validation from another person, whether it’s the cute girl from Chemistry class Liking your status on Facebook, a customer service rep responding to your complaints on Yelp, a movie star responding to your Tweet/answering a question, striking up a casual conversation with the CEO of a tech startup you’re interested in working for. Whatever the case may be, the (potential) feedback loop is what drives many users to engage. I’m going to use this post to highlight a few social networks that are doing this right.

Why do people use Quora?

Quora markets itself as being THE place where anybody is able to receive expert answers to any question. In this sense, Quora mainly relies on the quality of responses to drive engagement. But sometimes this even lends itself to some surprises. Take the example below: in this thread, someone asked a general question about how JJ Abrams started his movie-making career… and JJ Abrams himself popped by to personally answer the question!

JJ Abrams answering questions on Quora
JJ Abrams was definitely the expert on the subject matter (click to enlarge)

Amazing that he would take the time out of his day to answer an anonymous person’s question just because he knew he would be the best source for an answer. It also shows that he cares for his fans and is willing to reward them for their fandom and devotion. Really awesome. No one can argue that that isn’t the single best answer for that question. (Full disclosure: I love Fringe!)

Why do people use Reddit?

In the same vein, Reddit has become the “it” social sharing site. It has completely eclipsed Digg, StumbleUpon, and all the others. It has done so by fostering a community where any and all questions can be asked and answered, with no apparent limits to genuine curiosity. And the community has grown so large (and full of educated students and professionals) that there’s almost always someone qualified to answer your questions, no matter how obscure (consider this thread about hair dryers.) The AskReddit threads are similar to Quora, but with a typically lower signal to noise ratio.

And occasionally on Reddit (actually at least a few times a month at this point), someone famous creates an account solely to answer Redditors’ questions. In recent memory, there’s been Louis CK, Jeopardy Champion Ken Jennings, Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, Stephen T. Colbert, and countless others. During these days, a lucky few have their questions answered by someone they likely revere, or at least respect, for their body of work and also for allowing random Internet users to ask them almost anything. It’s a bi-directional relationship- the users that help build the community are rewarded with recognition from people who would otherwise likely never be able to interact with them. Now that’s powerful stuff.

Reddit AMA 2 Girls 1 Cup
Admittedly, sometimes not the most powerful stuff

Why do people use Twitter?

Twitter is arguably the most frictionless social media service there is. Anybody can create an account and there are no barriers to Tweeting something at anybody else, celebrities and other famous individuals included. I myself have had some fleeting conversations with music artists I adore, industry thought leaders, Google Webspam Team Overlord Matt Cutts, among others (#HumbleBrag). And that’s the kind of validation people are searching for when they first hear about Twitter, decide that it’s not too stupid, and then sign up and write their first Tweet directed at someone they don’t personally know. Twitter is the social media platform of aspiration.

You can even get a response to the most inane of requests, like having a RoboCop statue erected by the mayor of Detroit.

JJ Abrams answering questions on Quora

What does this all mean to brands and individuals active in the online or social media space? In short, technology has enabled more of us to communicate with each other and with strangers who had once only been available through very specific channels. Now that it’s socially acceptable to ask questions/make comments and expect answers/responses, doing so has become a routine part of our online lives. Whether you’re a musician on Facebook, a blogger with an active comments section, a customer service rep on Twitter, or whatever else, it will only work to your benefit to provide users with the best answers (barring any huge PR gaffes). You need some give and some take to complete the feedback loop.

January 5th, 2012
according to

I’ll admit that the title of this blog post is a bit sensationalist, but walk down this path with me and maybe it will be justified enough to make sense. Alternative names for this blog post? “How to Sell SEO to a Non-Believer” or “Wagering on SEO” or maybe even “SEO is next to Godliness”. Okay, not that last one.

The inspiration for this post is the argument proposed by the French philosopher/mathematician Blaise Pascal regarding the existence of God. His viewpoint, dubbed Pascal’s Wager, stated (without taking sides in the argument) that whether or not God exists, it benefits a person to live virtuously such that when that person dies, he or she will have done a life of good as a result of the potential existence of God, regardless of whether or not there’s a Heaven or anything afterwards. The possibility of being a good person and not going to Heaven are considerably outweighed by the consequences of being an immoral person your whole life and then finding out that God exists. The probability math comes out to roughly 3 out of 4 times, it’s better to live your life as if you believed in God.

I’m sure I’ve made some mistakes in interpreting Pascal’s Wager, but the general framework can be applied to many non-theistic topics, such as global warming. Take this comic for example:

Global warming Climate Summit comic
This comic is a personal favorite regarding the global warming “debate”

This all relates back to SEO, I promise. Hopefully also with practical implications.

So let’s say you have to sell SEO to a client or business. You can invoke some form of Pascal’s Wager to do so, as unintuitive as it may seem. The best argument for why SEO is a useful service worth paying for isn’t in dollar signs, rankings, or clickthrough rate percentages. It’s in the alternative. How much does it cost for that company to not have optimized pages and to not rank well on the first page for relevant terms? That’s the gambit. Sure, there are checks and P&Ls involved, but at the end of the day, if you shell out X amount of dollars for good SEO, it’s worth it 75% of the time. And that’s an ROI any marketer can get behind.

This reminds me of a party I attended recently where a stranger asked what I did for a living. I replied with the generic “Internet marketing” to some awkward indifference. I then added, “you know, God’s work.” That at least got a chuckle. Little did he know I wasn’t entirely joking.

December 31st, 2011
according to

Just a short note about 2011: it was definitely one of my better years in recent memory. I switched from one good job to an even better one. I’m another year closer to being out of student debt (three more to go!). I’ve made considerable strides with my freelance work (including SEO and graphic design), as well as with my hobbies (like concert photography, guitar/banjo, Yelping, etc.).

So here’s to a fresh, new 2012. The world won’t end, and I hope everyone has a very fruitful year. I’m not making any resolutions that have a time limit, but I will say that “be a better person than the one you were yesterday” still rings true as my general life mantra.

Take care, and be safe!

November 25th, 2011
according to

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! This blog post will be (somewhat) in the spirit of food!

It’s no secret that I love Yelp. I love utilizing crowdsourced reviews as a baseline filter for whether or not to visit/spend money somewhere. I love writing my own opinions and mingling with community members. And I love the community itself. The events they throw for Elite members are awesome, and they’re investments back into the system.

It’s such a simple formula. You’d think that a huge behemoth like Google would be able to replicate success with its own Google Places, right? Well, you’d be surprised. I think that Google Places will never have a chance to beat Yelp at their own game, given what they’ve been doing.

Now, this is not a rant against the Google NYC team. I love following them on Twitter and we’ve had some friendly (and not so friendly) exchanges. This is me pointing out the flaw of their incentive structure. Here’s an excerpt from a contest they’re running in conjunction with a recent event:

Google Places Contest RulesGoogle Places has a really, really bad incentive system (click to enlarge)

So what’s my issue with how Google Places is building its community? It’s mostly extrinsically motivated (see my blog post on Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation in Crowdsourcing). The more you review, the more likely it is that you win a prize? That works against Google in two ways – firstly, you won’t convince the truly passionate reviewers (the ones who do it to help others, or because they really love writing about local businesses) because you’re not concentrating on them; instead, you’re going for the low hanging fruit: the people who will say, “sure, I’ll write a review in exchange for a chance to win a Chromebook.” And like the pigeon pushing the lever with no pellets coming out, eventually those extrinsically motivated individuals will learn their lesson and give up, abandoning their Places account entirely. That’s not how you build a self-sustaining community.

Secondly, Google Places vs. Yelp will always be an us-versus-them scenario for the die-hards. People who have been following the Google vs. Yelp saga know that there’s bad blood between the two. To sum it all up:
1) Organic search reportedly supplies Yelp with a whopping 75% of its traffic.
2) When Google starting emphasizing their business pages in SERPs, they aggregated reviews from different sites including Yelp to provide their own “rating”. But they also overstepped their boundaries when Google took content directly from Yelp reviews and posted it on those pages, leaving users no reason to click through to Yelp.
3) Google was quiet on the local reviews front and then did a soft launch for Google Places in key cities.
4) Then, out of nowhere, Google bought Zagat.

If you follow the logical progression of things, it’s clear that Google wants to be a bigger player in the local space. Heck, just do a search for “dentist” and see how many results from your city show up. But Google is totally handling this the wrong way. Obviously, Zagat’s business model is in a totally different direction than Yelp’s, which makes me think Google might be taking the high-brow approach. But then again, crowdsourcing is the future of not only search, but of the internet as well (as I’ve mentioned in previous blog posts) so it would be very silly for Google not to make a play in that space. That’s where Google Places would ideally fill the gap. However, I just don’t think they have a sound strategy to build up its review and user base to rival that of Yelp, and they’re just taking too many shortcuts.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and if any other service can topple Yelp, it will take a lot of time and a much better plan than what Google’s employing.

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